The latest skin booster from Jalupro!!!

Jalupro Super Hydro is the most powerful skin bio-revitalisation product on the market. Super Hydro is AA cluster enhanced peptides HA LMW + HMW for ligament bio-restoration and to treat severe dehydration and tired skin.

The new formulation is giving an extra boost for skin extra cellular matrix bio-revitalisation thanks to the action of peptides and blend of low and high molecular weight for lasting hydration and fibroblasts stimulation. The specially designed formulation of amino acids, peptides & high concentration HA is ideal for optimal skin health and structure.

Jalupro Super Hydro can be used to treat a number of areas including face, neck, décolleté, underarms, hands, inner thighs and abdomen. It can be used in conjunction with a number of other treatments to minimise the signs of ageing such as dermal filler and dermabrasion.

Treatment starts at £180

Profhilo – skin booster

Profhilo is an injectable anti-ageing treatment made from hyaluronic acid for skin that is losing its elasticity and firmness with age. It can be used on the face, neck, decollete, arms, hands and knees, or any part of your body where the skin shows visible signs of ageing

Benefits of Profhilo:

  • Improvement in tissue quality
  • Skin remodelling
  • Treatment of skin laxity
  • Restore skin firmness

How long does the result last for?

Results are almost instant from the first treatment. In general, results will last from 6 to 9 months and even up to one year depending on individual skin type factors, such as age, and lifestyle.

£200 per session

Lumi Eyes

What is it?

A very powerful Mesotherapy under the eye treatment. It helps to reduce the look of tiredness
Lumi eye destroys the dark circles under the eyes, moisturises & reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Results are visabke after one treatment!

A brand new tissue simulator designed for mesotherapy treatments under & around the eyes, with no side effects!

Lumi eye repairs damage to the dermis with no polynucleotides:
Strong rejuvenation of the tissue
Reduces skin blueing

£100 per treatment, three treatments advised, free skin consultation included.


Is a water-based hydrating filler. Working in a 5 point injection on each side of the face, Which works over 2/3 weeks. It’s a hyaluronic acid soft-like gel that is injected into the skin to hydrate and improve skin quality.

Benefits of REVs PRO 32

  • Improvement in tissue quality
  • Skin remodelling
  • Treatment of skin laxity
  • Restore skin firmness
  • Nourishes the dermal cells
  • Revitalisation of the dermis
  • Strong hydration to the skin
  • Improve skin texture
  • Wrinkle reduction and boost in elasticity
  • Improvement to skin density and skin tone
  • Immediate radience to the skin
  • Biocompatibility (safe to use, no side effects_)
  • Beautiful glow!
  • Rebuilds collagen
  • Tightens skin
  • Plumps skin
  • Reduces wrinkles

Sometimes 2 sessions are needed for better results depending on what we are working with and your expectations

What’s the difference between filler & skin boosters?

Both products are made of hyaluronic acid, however, filler is a thicker solution with stronger cross links – and a skin booster is more water based with the ability to spread and encapsulate moisture in the skin.
Often patients benefit from both a filler to shape and lift, and a skin booster to smooth and hydrate.
The difference between dermal filler and skin booster’s function is to restore hydration and moisture, not volume.

Book now to start your journey to healthier, younger skin 🖤 £150 per session.